Stronger Together

STRONGER TOGETHER – Supporting the Independence of Youth Without Parental Care

The project consists of introducing a comprehensive support model for the independence of young people without parental care. Phases of preparation (1 month), implementation (6 months), presentation (2 months) and dissemination of the model (2 months), based on the complementary application of group, individual, peer and community work, will be implemented over 12 months. Selection of young people who will directly participate in the project in cooperation with the Center for the Care of Infants, Children and Youth, is followed by the implementation of youth training, which consists of four components.

The first is group work with young people, aimed at adopting significant social and emotional skills and strengthening their positive identity (CEPORA). The second component of training consists of individual work with young people, which defines and monitors individual youth development plans (GRiG). The third component is community work, focused on the practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills and the establishment of connections with significant community actors (NETWORK). The last component is peer-based evaluation (My Circle).

Six months of youth training will be followed by a presentation of the model and the results achieved to ensure that the model is recognized and accepted in the community. The presentation consists of organizing a street action with young people, an online campaign to raise awareness of the problems of young people leaving the social care system and presenting the results to relevant actors in the community. The last two months have been dedicated to dissemination through the creation and distribution of a publication on a model of self-support. With the implementation of the project, young people receive a comprehensive support model with experienced actors in the field, and the community receives mature young people who are ready to meet the challenges of leaving the welfare system.

The project “Stronger Together – Supporting the Independence of Youth Without Parental Care” is implemented by a team of four organizations that provide long-term support to children and young people without parental care (CEPORA, GRiG, NETWORK, My Circle) in partnership with the Center for Care of Infants, Children and Zouth – Belgrade, with financial support from the Trag Foundation, Kinderperspectief, the Charles Stuart Mott Foundation and the RBF (Rockfeller Brothers Foundation).

The project is being implemented during 2019.