CEPORA team is participating in the Superste centrifuge program 2017 competition. The project idea and its representatives will go through an intense period of preparation and selection of the projects until September, when the voting of the community starts. At that point we will need your help so this idea could see the light of day.
The project aims at improving the skills of young people to respond to problem situations – we want young people to realize that there is always an alternative, another option how they can respond to and / or support the other in trouble. We want to create a show with young people that talk about their problems and the ways in which they do (not) react to problem situations. Authors and actors of the show are young people and they would perform it in front of their peers in secondary schools in Belgrade and beyond. Each show would be followed by an interactive segemnt. That part would be structured and arranged in detail, but would differ from school to school and need to need. The audience could ask the actors whatever they want, propose solutions, give advice, try to enter the scene and change the outcome. They could add or direct the scene differently. For the end of the project we would performe the show for the wider community, in Belgrade Youth Center. There we would invite all those people who have not had a chance to see it in high schools, but are eager to see it and have their say on the subject.
We wish that society gets active, thinking young people. Young confident, empowered to act people. Young people who know about alternative ways to respond. The problems that young people face will become more visible. Although the phrase “young people are our future,” is worn out, it is very much true. Young people are our future and they will at some point be a big decision-makers and leaders of our society. There will determine the future of the present in which they live. At present they are the ones who will choose to respond or to take cover, take or refuse, hide or dare, believe or give up. They are the ones that will help or make fun of, to fight, to motivate, give support, empower someone, someone will believe in them and all this will affect them, another young person or any other person. They will be the one stone that will trigger a landslide of change.
The focus is on empowering young people. Young people talk about their problems. Young people create a play about the problems and dilemmas they face. Young people perform the show in front of other young people. Young people discuss with young people about possible solutions, advice, change. Young people support each other. Young people think. Young people are active. Young people are great.