The Future Believes in Us

The sculpture exhibition “The Future Believes in Us” was created as part of the project “Left Behind – Sculpture Exhibition of Children without Parental Care”.


The sculpture exhibition “The Future Believes in Us” is a display of the appliances of the future created from abandoned, discarded small home appliances that were collected during the action Toaster + Iron = Sculpture.

Mr. Toaster and Mrs. Pegla met on a planet of abandoned things. The feeling that no one wants them anymore threatens to completely cast them into oblivion just like thousands of other small home appliances. Still, something unexpected happened. Through a game of fate, they, who know how to play,  are able to fantasize, love to dream, believe in miracles and who understand them first and foremost, came to them.


Each apparatus of the future has its own name and purpose. However, our friends also intentionally created several appliances for which they invite all visitors to let their imagination come to life and revive them by giving them a purpose and a name!