The Ship of Lost Wishes


The puppet show “The Ship of Lost Wishes” is an original production of CEPORA – Center for Positive Youth Development, created within the project “What I Think Puppets Say” in 2014, through a series of puppet workshops with children without parental care, ages 7 to 13 years, which are under institution-based care at the Center for the Protection of Infants, Children and Youth in Belgrade (“Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” dorm and Shelter for Urgent Protection of Abused Children).

Directing: Vesna Popović


The Ship of Lost Wishes follows the story of four heroes whose life events influenced them to lose their desires. Through the play, our heroes discover how to let happiness, friendship and love re-enter their lives.

The show was performed twice in 2014, in the front of about 150 visitors.